The Imperial Royal Hive Candles

The Imperial Royal Hive Candles - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Candles, The Best, Green, All Natural, The Imperial Royal HIve, Essential Oils, Beeswax, Hive Mind, Collective Unconcious, telepathy, energy research, mezmorising, non hydrogenated candles, not hydrogenated candles, smokeless candles, The Imperial Royal Hive,, soy candles
Essential oil, Candles, made without hydrogenation. We make our own wax from Domestic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil, and Beeswax...and, Magic.+
Manufacture and wholesale\retail, of fine candles. Delivery of candles locally, to places of business.
Gifts, Candles, Farming, Apiaries, retailers, and consumers.
Shawn Bradley, Whole Foods Market, Live Oak Market, Hyde Park Market
The Universal Medal of Universality 1926+

Business Description

We make the Greenest candles you can buy. There is no hydrogenation, unlike soy candles...our sunflower oil, and beeswax formula draws hydrocarbon chains from beeswax, to make our Sunflower oil solid, instead of requiring hydrogen, which is derived from petroleum, to process the oil by hydrogenation, which makes it wax. Petroleum is the cheapest source of hydrogen, and so All Natural Soy candles aren't as All natural as we have been led to believe. This is an alternative. We formulated our own wax. We can control what is in the candles. We can make candles that are the greenest, and without the customer needing to sacrifice so much, as they have become used to using soy, and not having a better alternative...that still acts like a candle. Welcome to The Imperial Royal Hive. +

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