The Itsy Bitsy Home Day Care

The Itsy Bitsy Home Day Care - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Childcare, daycare, home, river forest, oak park, safe, happy, loving, educated, professional, warm, babies, toddlers, children
Child Care Services
Assisting parents in being able to continue to work while feeling comfortable and secure with their children in my care. I provide a safe, natural play, while learning environment.
Children's Play & Education
Accredited by the NAFCC, Mentor for CCR&R (Concordia)

Business Description

My Goals To provide high quality family child care: ~ Building strong, positive relationships with each child and family member within the intimacy of their small groups. ~ Building a bond with your child so that they know who is here to meet their everyday needs. To not have to transition to a new face unexpectedly throughout the day and/or week. ~ Customizing their environments to meet the changing needs of individual children of various ages and abilities. ~ Planning activities and shaping their own spontaneous interactions in response to the developmental needs and interests of individual children and to the social group as a whole. ~ Teaching literacy, numeracy, social competency, and other skills as I support the development of the whole child within the context of everyday life. ~ Making adjustments to assure that my own family member's needs are met, as well as those of my clients and myself - balancing everyone's needs in this small business within my home. ~ Teaching traditional values of respect, honesty, trust and good manners in their daily life. ~ Playing independently yet encourage group activities with their peers with respect of each other.

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