Veterans Disability Consultants, LLC

Veterans Disability Consultants, LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Veterans, disability, veterans disability, military, discharge upgrade, disability benefits, vet rep, veteran representative, VA representative, veterans law, service connected, social security disability, VA disability, injured veteran, injured vet, military injury, PTSD, gulf war veterans, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, individual unemployability
Legal consulting
Veterans disability case management, appeals, hearing representation, independent medical and psychological evaluations, discharge upgrades, social security disability assistance
NOVA, NOSSCR, American Legion, Marine Corps League
Honor Flight Volunteer, VetHelp person of distinction, former memember of the Board WWoSF

Business Description

Provide an array of legal and consulting services to veterans and attorneys. Our services include case evaluation and management, independent medical and psychological evaluations, and claimant representation at all levels of the claims process, up to the court level in Washington DC. We also help veterans explore additional benefits through social security disability and provide the tools for seeking these benefits as well. Our combined experiences and background offer superior services to our veterans and to representatives helping our veterans.

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