Walmart Supercenter

1025 Glenwood Dr
West Monroe, LA 71291
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Business Information

Department Stores, Retail Shops, Grocers-retail, Bakers-retail, Tire-dealers-retail

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)


on Citysearch Jun 15, 2009
The store is dirty and staffed with rude, lazy, and uneducated people. The local patrons were friendly, but there were far too many trashy and classless people. If you like tobacco chewing, smoking, foul-mouthed,... (more)


on Citysearch Mar 14, 2009
The Super Wal-Mart Supercenter in West Monroe lives up to its name - SUPER. In one stop, you can cash your check, pay bills, get your hair and nails done, and take a picture. You can then look fabulous as you purchase... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 23, 2008
<b>In Short</b><br>What started as Sam Walton's vision in 1962 now accounts for more than $200 billion in annual sales. The well-respected discount store emphasizes value, customer care and variety. In addition... (more)

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