105 South 21st Street B
RogersAR 72756

Fax: 479-631-1040 - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

How to sell to Walmart, How to become a Walmart vendor, Selling to Walmart, Getting into Walmart, How to get your product into Walmart, Selling to Sams Club
All products and services
Consulting on how to become a Walmart and other retail vendor
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Bentonville / Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce

Business Description is available to assist companies like yours in their efforts to introduce their products or services to Wal-Mart or Sam?s Club. If you qualify, we will assess your company and product to begin the process for becoming a Wal-Mart Vendor and will provide you with an estimate of the fees involved. We also provide assistance to current Wal-Mart vendors with such things as sales analysis and category management, merchandising and replenishment support, etc., if you need these services. In the alternative, we will work with a current supplier for them to introduce your product or service to Wal-Mart, if it meets the criteria.

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