World Organization for Medical Aid,Corp (WOMA CORP)

6709 Cherryfield Rd
Fort WashingtonMD 20744

Fax: 1-301-248-7020
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Business Information

Public charity Non profit WOMA CORP
Health Education,Health Prevention,Human services,disaster relief, medical scholarship
MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIP Studies have demonstrated an actual shortage of medical doctors in the US and worldwide.This need or gap will worsen by 2020 if actions are not taken.This program is created to fight the shortage of medical doctors here and abroad. ENGLISH SCOLARSHIP This program is designed to facilitate the learning and practice of the English language for students and non-profit leaders whose actions my impact global communities. HEALTH INITIATIVE,HUMAN SERVICES,DISASTER RELIEF ​Preventive medicine plays an important role in assuring and living a better life.Moreover,our actions go beyond the unexpected and we are working hard to provide soon a new hospital in the city of Duekoue,in Ivory Coast.This Region who a few years back was the world number producer of Coffee and Cocoa (chocolate) was ruined by a civil war that hit the country.The city's trying to rebuilt and need an adequate hospital.This need responds to our Health Initiative program.
Health,Education,Scholarship,Human services
Washington non-profit Associations
Washington Best 2016 Non-Profit Association

Business Description

A non-profit organization specializing in Health Education,Health Prevention,Human services,disaster relief, medical scholarship and much more. Founded in 2004 in Atlanta,GA the World Organization for Medical Aid,Corp.(WOMA Corp) is a recognized public charity since 2005,based in Washington,DC with representations worldwide.WOMA Corp was recognized by the IMF,the White House,the DC Government,Gov.Martin O'Malley,and as the Washington,DC best Non-profit in 2016.

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