Yoga Education Services

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Business Information

Yoga, Yoga teachers, Yoga studios, Yoga teacher training programs, Yoga education, mind body spirit, Yoga non-profits, Yoga for seniors, Yoga for vets, Yoga for mental illness, Yoga business management, grant writing, state licensure, health, wellness, aging, physical fitness, advisory boards, community outreach, community services
Business and management training, education administration services, support for non-profits, grant-writing, technology consulting, Yoga for seniors, Yoga for returning vets, Yoga for at-risk youth, Yoga for mental illness, Yoga for disabilities
Yoga, health and wellness, mind body spirit, physical fitness, community agencies, senior centers

Business Description

We bring administrative services and "best practices" from higher education to the Yoga community to support instructors, studio owners, and training programs, and to expand access to underserved populations.

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