Prepare for Emergencies with Windmills and Water Well Drilling

by Art Gib, Freelance Writer on Behalf of of W5 Water Well Services Inc. ( 21-May-2012 )

It seems the latest craze in these modern times is emergency preparedness. Whether it’s for the zombie apocalypse or the Mayan-predicted 2012 doomsday, it might be good to consider being prepared just in case. This includes having, food storage, a Texas windmill and all the supplies for Texas water well drilling.



Many are building up their emergency food storage, using methods from 72-hour kits to three months’ supply of food. If you do not have the means to grow your own food and self-sustain in an emergency, then it is best to build up a long-term supply. Your food storage should include wheat, milk, honey, and salt. It should also include some freeze dried food, spices, canned goods, oils, vitamins, and plenty of water.


If you do have a bit of land or the means to grow food and vegetables, then this is a viable option as well. This can provide you and your family with fresh vegetables which you can even use for canning.



Your emergency storage likely contains a lot of batteries, flashlights, or candles. But it takes energy to do most things and live comfortably. A Texas windmill, or any windmill at all, is great if you know how to harness and use the energy it generates. It is natural and free; you just have to depend on nature. You may also want to consider other “green” options like solar panels. Learning how to use these things before an emergency could even cut down your utility bills!



Those in remote areas would do well to consider getting Texas water well drilling on their property. If you want to do it yourself, then you should look into getting some water well parts and having them handy in case a need to repair arises.  Obviously, having bottled water in storage is great, but that can run out when you want to do basic things like wash clothes and stay reasonably hygienic. Where public access to water is limited, this resource is even more of a necessity! You should also know that there are services that will do the estimating, drilling, and well construction for you if that is your wish.


Having food, energy, and plenty of clean, usable water available will save a lot of stress and pain if a disaster strikes. You may also want to keep plenty of ammo on hand in case those zombies arrive.

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