Savant Automation gives Homeowners full remote Control

by Art Gib, freelance writer on behalf of Savant ( 6-Jan-2012 )

Home automation allows an owner to control all of the technology in their residence from a touch screen tablet or remote panel. Adopting and incorporating the same user-friendly apps that have been built into the lineup of Apple devices home installation specialists using Savant automation technology can create an environment that is controlled by the simple use of an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. The electronic devices that are linked together through a computer system are able to deliver complete remote control of the lighting, thermostat, TV recorders and players or music to a homeowner that is powering their house with a newly wired electrical system. Adding greater convenience to the home as well as becoming a tool for managing the connected electronics Savant AV technology allows an individual to turn on a TV and disc player then have complete control over the devices. Fast forwarding a movie or adjusting the volume with the help of a personal handheld device from the world's leading manufacturer of portable entertainment and communication devices homeowners are taking control of their house.

Using both hardwired electronics and wireless router signals to deliver the easy to access app to an iPad or iPhone people that are serious about their home automation integration can call on a professional design team to evaluate the various components of a house and deliver the highly sophisticated yet simple to use system. Raising and lowing automated shutters on the windows and adjusting the thermostat or even arming or disarming the home security system the amazing advancements in home automation are giving homeowners throughout NY an opportunity to maximize their energy efficiency while putting total control of their electronic items into the hands of the linked gadgets that many people are using on a daily basis.

With a system of hardwired computer technology that is routed through a home the individual electronics that are plugged into the outlets can be linked to the Savant automation system provide wall mounted docking stations for the portable controllers that can be charged as they are in use. Bringing up the temperature while lowering the lights and securing the house the technology that is far and away the better choice in home integration is a Savant system that relies on Apple technology to incorporate the fixed server and router into every compatible electronic component that is located in the media room, dining room and bedrooms. Like something out of a science fiction film the technology exists today to make life easier and more rewarding for anyone that is looking for the next generation of home automation.

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