Belau Loa Ranch

Belau Loa Ranch - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

horses, goats, chickens, ducks, dogs, lilikoi, passion fruits, betel nuts, betel leaves, donkeys, youth programs, education
Horses, Goats, Chickens, Ducks, Donkeys, Passion Fruit Plants, Oganic Plants, and other native plants.

Business Description

Belau Loa Ranch you can learn about the production of food and fiber, the inter-relationships of plants and animals in their natural habitats and the importance of environmental stewardship. While planting seedlings students learn about the function of roots, stems and leaves. In the garden they may taste flowers, identify pollinators and learn about seed dispersal and composting. While holding a chicken, feeding a goat, or exploring our bone and fossil collections, students learn about adaptations, predator/prey relationships and food chains.

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