Camilla's Treasures & Gifts

136 Ford St
CollinsvilleVA  24078

Fax: 276-647-3903
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Business Information

Treasured events deserve the quality, quanity and the experienced that we promise to give.
Jewelry, shoes, formal attire, wedding flowers, home decorations, tuxedo and accessories, large array of home decor and specialty gifts.We will have one of the largest collections of products for weddings and formal wear and a huge gift assortment. Prices will be amazing.
More than 30 years in the bridal and wedding business as well as well as being a Certified Bridal Consultant. I know the difficulty of having to run all over to get everthing ready for that special day. We can offer it all and have the experience to advise the customer. We will be able to provide answers to any questions they might have about their needs.
will proved in a couple of days.

Business Description

This business will be about the treasured needs for treasured tWimes. We highlight wedding gown, shoes, jewelry both elegant and fashion jewelry. We also have items for a new home for decorations and all of these can be gifts.

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