Divine Source Healing

Divine Source Healing - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Healing, Spiritual Healing, Barbara Brennan, Addiction, Therapeutic Touch, Euphoric State, Spiritual Growth, Healing Touch, Light Touch
Healings and Counseling
Healings Client lies on a massage table fully clothed. Usually enters an altered state. 30 minute healings are $80.00 60 minute healings are $150.00
Change and Growth Individual Healing Healthy Living
Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science, Church of Tzaddi

Business Description

Through the use of light touch healing, I work with people to help them be more comfortable emotionally, physically, and psychologically. I have been successful in helping resolve addictions, pain, poor self image, and acceptance of life situations. I have helped people on their journey toward becoming who they really are. As a graduate of the Brennan School of Healing Science in 1993, and other trainings my work has developed and and matured with my own spiritual growth.

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