Dragonfly House
2108 Old Jerusalem Rd
Salisbury, VT 05769
Salisbury, VT 05769
Business Information
bed & breakfast, lodging, guest, suite, motel, hotel, Vermont, Leicester, Brandon, full service, privacy, travel, mountain view, valley, sunset, log cabin, seasonal, apartment, tourist, privatequeen and twin bed, overnight stay, week long stays, full breakfast, bed and breakfast, wine and cheese, turn down service, mountain views, seasonal, full service, privacy, goat cheese
lodging, breakfast, wine, cheese, afternoon tea, turn down, privacy, refrigerator, AC,
bed and breakfast, travel, hotel, motel, tourism, tourist, Vermont, Middlebury College
Business Description
Log cabin with guest suite/apartment, with refrigerator, microwave, tv, reading area, dining table, queen bed, twin bed, mountain view, fall foliage, full breakfast, afternoon wine and cheese, personalized service, privacy in Leicester, Vermont
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