Fitzpatrick Farrier Services, Inc.

Fitzpatrick Farrier Services, Inc. - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Farrier, Horse, Horseshoeing, Laminitis, Navicular, Corrective, Therapeutic, Performance Horses, Reining, Barrel Racing, Quarter Horses, Limb Length Disparities
Shoeing of Foundered Horses Limb Length Disparities Trimming and shoeing by the principles of balance, while taking the whole horse into consideration Corrective Shoeing The correction of a gait and conformation faults by altering the horse's manner of travel. Pathological Shoeing A manner of shoeing which to ease a horse's way of going when it is suffering from anatomical or physiological deviations from the norm. Often called Therapeutic or Surgical Shoeing. Remedial Shoeing A manner of shoeing by which a cure is implemented. Holistic Hoof Care Holistic Hoof Care looks at the horse as an entire being with physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of each horse being considered in the therapy. Foundered Horse Consultations Foundered Horseshoeing Therapeutic Horseshoeing Limb Length Disparity Consultations Limb Length Disparity Horseshoeing Holistic Balance Evaluations Lameness Exams Pre-Purchase Exams Pre-Competition Care & Exams (helps minimize risk for the eventing horse) Preventive Foot Care Programs Veterinarian and Farrier Consultations Corrective Horseshoeing Building effective farrier/veterinarian teams Anatomy of the foot/radiology,ultrasound,nuclear scientography & MRI Diagnostic anesthesia of the distal limb Diagnostic approach to lameness of the lower limb when MRI is unavailable Principles of sound trimming and shoeing of performance horses Recognizing optimum geometric balance (angles) and imbalances Factors affecting hoof break over Origin and effect of abnormalities on hoof shape & foot structure Hoof capsule distortions & how they affect internal structures Practical treatment options for horses with sore feet Management of coffin and pastern joint problems Shoeing solutions for obscure foot lamenesses of performance horses Short vs. long term management of various foot conditions Shoeing strategies to enhance performance in the equine athlete Stimulating hoof growth
All General Equine Podiatry Procedures Pre-Competition Care & Exams (helps minimize risk for the eventing horse) Therapeutic Horseshoeing Limb Length Disparity Consultations Limb Length Disparity Horseshoeing Holistic Balance Evaluations Lameness Exams Pre-Purchase Exams Preventive Foot Care Programs Veterinarian and Farrier Consultations Corrective Horseshoeing Rehabilitation & Lay-ups Foundered Horse Consultations Foundered Horseshoeing ~Specialities~ Performance Horses, Corrective Trimming and Shoeing, Therapeutic Shoeing, Limb Length Disparities, Remedial Shoeing, and Shoeing of Foundered Horses. Limb Length Disparities Trimming and shoeing by the principles of balance, while taking the whole horse into consideration. Corrective Shoeing The correction of a gait and conformation faults by altering the horse's manner of travel. Pathological Shoeing A manner of shoeing which to ease a horse's way of going when it is suffering from anatomical or physiological deviations from the norm. Often called Therapeutic or Surgical Shoeing. Remedial Shoeing A manner of shoeing by which a cure is implemented.
American Farriers Association,
PCHS Diploma Farrier Science Farrier Science, Certificate of Achievement Forge Principles and Applications ,Certificate of Achievement Confirmation and it's Relationship to Soundness,Certificate of Achievement Equine Anatomy, Certificate of Achievement

Business Description

With over 30 years of horse experience; 15 of those years in the field of Farriery, Brian Fitzpatrick continues to devote his life and profession to the well being of the horse. Whether it be hosting educational clinics for farriers, attending seminars or researching new products or techniques, Brian continues to pursue greater knowledge through continuing education to acquire a higher standard ...with a focus on professional development. Brian works closely with a number of well respected veterinarians in the Los Angeles County area as well as several excellent farriers from all over United States. Brian firmly believes in forming a "team" for your horse consisting of you the owner, your veterinarian and your farrier. Together you can devise a plan for your horse(s) to insure a long and healthy life.

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