Mare Cares Pet Services, LLC

Mare Cares Pet Services, LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

pet sitting, pet sitter, Islamorada, dog day care, dog hotel, dog walker, pet care, mile marker 65-80, dogs, cats, animals
Licensed and Insured. Professional, Reliable and Trustworthy. References available.
Marr-Velous Pet Rescue; Upper Keys Animal Shelter and Humane Society; Guardian ad-Litem
Guardian ad-litem; Chamber of Commerce Islamorada, FL; Pet Sitters International;
Certified Professional Pet Sitter

Business Description

We Sit, Stay, Walk and Play with your pets while you're away. Pampering and professional care for your pets in the comfort of your home. Pets may stay with us if they meet requirements. We also provide vacation pet care, mid-day potty breaks while you are at work, play, or just not well enough to provide for their needs. Litter box maintenance, brushing, feeding and all the belly rubs and hugs they can beg for are included.

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