Paramount Theatre

241 N Main St
Barre, VT 05641
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First Run Movie Theaters

Customer Reviews (4 reviews)

Guest G.

on Judys Book May 01, 2009
The theater is still a great place to go to. Still showing all the first run films,and have the best popcorn around!Also have just started serving coffee.Look forward to all the summer movies there.A.R.... (more)

Allen R.

on Judys Book May 02, 2007
The Paramount Theatre is a great theatre.I have been projectionist/manager at the Paramount for 20 years.And in the movie business for over 35 years.I have seen a lot of movies.I pride myself for putting on a good... (more)

Christina H.

on Judys Book Apr 16, 2006
As a teenager, I used to work at this quaint establishment. I enjoyed my days as a Paramount employee and I enjoy catching a movie when I'm in town. They always have up-to-date movies and the prices are reasonable.... (more)

A M.

on Judys Book Apr 14, 2006
The Theatre is small, no mistake about it. There is often a bottleneck at the concession stand, which makes it difficult to get into the theater, but the prices are decent, and the place is clean. The movies are always... (more)

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