Broadway Animal Clinic

3906 Broadway Ave # A
Haltom City, TX 76117
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Veterinarians, Animal Hospitals
Veterinary Services

Customer Reviews (46 reviews)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Jul 28, 2011
Dr. Gill is the best vet we have ever used for our pets. (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Jun 03, 2011
My family and I have been with Dr. Gill for some time now. Probably more than 10 years. He's pretty much the man to call when my mother Paula Wood needs a second opinion on things about animals. He was also there when my cat... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book May 17, 2011
I have had a 9 year old dog insured through Banfield his entire life, and although they claimed I saved thousands over his lifetime, I never realized how much money I threw away until I got my second dog and decided to go a... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book May 13, 2011
Every body is very nice and will help you and are very good with pets. Thank you. (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Apr 25, 2011
I dont normally post a review, but I just had to this time. A few days ago our little dog was diagnosed with having pyometra, we took her to see a vet at Hurst Animal Clinic and we were so disappointed in dealing with the... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Apr 21, 2011
I have 4 dogs and Dr.Gill is the best and one time my little puppy had got posined and he saved her and for that i am forever greatfull so you should switch your vet clinc to Dr.Gill because he is the best!!!... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Apr 19, 2011
I have 4 dogs and Dr.Gill is the best and one time my little puppy had got posined and he saved her and for that i am forever greatfull so you should switch your vet clinc to Dr.Gill because he is the best!!!... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Apr 13, 2011
I cant believe how wonder full this place is!!! When doc puts someone to sleep it is sad, i asked why does he use the needle to the hart? some times the dogs vain is to small and it can take longer to go sleep doing it directly... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Apr 08, 2011
Greatly appreciate your flexibility and friendliness and pet treatments. (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 28, 2011
I remember 2 times he really consoled us. We had a little dog named Seigie part malamute/Rat Terrier, happy go lucky guy. He got out one day play in back yard with all our dogs. Wrestling, running and it started to rain. I... (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 25, 2011
He does update his equipment frequently & attends conferences often at Texas A&M to increase his knowledge. He is honest with clients (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 24, 2011
The care is worth it. He knows all my pets by name. Except the ones I haven't taken to him yet that are not ill for to young to get spayed or neutered yet. (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 23, 2011
As far as I'm concerned Dr. Gill is a old school awsome vet. I can call that nice man on the phone and ask him questions of my pets. I give him symptoms of the animal, what I'm seeing and hearing. Sometimes it's juts been... (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 22, 2011
The best in THE WORLD, God Bless!! (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 21, 2011
I cant believe how wonder full this place is!!! When doc puts someone to sleep it is sad, i asked why does he use the needle to the hart? some times the dogs vain is to small and it can take longer to go sleep doing it directly... (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 17, 2011
Dr. Gill has always been professional and compassionate to his customers, many of which have been with him for 15+ years. (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 15, 2011
Broadway Anim. Clinic always provides care on a daily basis & all pets are checked by a kennel staff who comes in the evening after other staff have closed clinic. (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 14, 2011
Dr. Gill has a degree from the best vet school in Texas (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 10, 2011
Dr. Gill does not charge over inflated prices just to match the market. (more)

Guest U.

on Judys Book Mar 07, 2011
I will continue to use Dr Gill as my own vet and will continue to volunteer for this caring man and his great staff. (more)
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