2012 Fiction ? 5 Tips on Selecting Good Sci-Fi Books

by Art Gib, freelance writer on behalf of Alec Adam --Through the Sun ( 21-Oct-2011 )

Sci-Fi fans cannot wait until the next book from their favorite author comes out.  Whether it is 2012 fiction novel or a compilation of Armageddon stories, as soon as the publications hit the stores, enthusiastic admirers will stand in line. Regrettably, not all science fiction tales are worth reading.

As a smart reader, you can avoid falling victim to bad book selections by sticking to these five helpful suggestions.

1.      Know the Author – Be familiar with the work of authors that made a name by depicting space exploration stories and writing action adventure books. It is an art to write creative fiction, because the stories do not only have to be captivating; they also have to be believable. Any story based on ancient cultures and archeological finds should be well researched. Too many inconsistencies and wrong facts can spoil the fun.

2.      Research the Topics - Science fiction consists of a wide range of subjects. Some fables happen in the past, while others take place in the future. Writers with a lot of imagination will create heroes on other planets and galaxies. It is not easy to generate entire civilizations out of a thin air.  However, some creators do. Of course, that does not mean that you are fascinated by flying through space, zipping through wormholes, and fighting aliens. You may be more interested in 2012 fiction, and the predictions of the Mayans. Ask yourself, will the world really come to an end?

3.      Read Reviews – Many bookworms will share their reading experiences. They will post their opinions on review sites. Online booksellers also often keep pages on which buyers can state their opinions after reading the purchased paperbacks.  While these statements can help you form an opinion, be careful when interpreting these evaluations. Some people by books blindly, and then are disappointed when the story or writing style is not what they had anticipated.

4.      Check Top Sellers Lists – Many literary institutions will publish lists of bestsellers. Check those compilations for ideas. It may be time to expand your horizons, and add a few new authors to your reading repertoire. You can also ask your sci-fi friends for recommendations. Aside from 2012 fiction, they may know a few excellent Armageddon stories as well.

5.      Affordability – You will not enjoy a book if you paid too much.  Explore several shops on- and offline before ordering a few copies. A little research can go a long way. If you have the patience, wait until the next book sale event.

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