Best Skirting For Park Model Homes

by Richard S Imus of Creative Concrete Products, LLC ( 13-May-2014 )

Park model trailer homes are becoming more popular with many people.  As they do the question arises for finding the best skirting for your new park model trailer home? They can be more affordable to own and have a very wide appeal, although skirting them can be a challenge.  

DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting for park models will give your cozy, little home a fantastic look as well as add to the resale value of your home.  Creative Concrete Products, LLC will install your DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting on your park model home quickly and professionally, to give you years of aesthetic appeal as well as a fully functional access to the crawl space, water shut-offs, and electrical under your home. 

DuraSkirt is engineered to meet HUD Permanent Foundation Code.  You will also have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you will receive a worry-free warranty.   Another benefit of concrete skirting is that it is very durable.  It will last for years, and continue to look great.  Duraskirt provides a smooth residential foundation appearance and is made using real concrete.

Best Park model skirting

The DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting installed by Creative Concrete Products, LLC comes with a hidden vent system.  This system allows the proper air flow through your crawl space and under your park model home, but is also designed to keep out those unwanted rodents and other pests.  It can also allow for an access door as well as hand access for the shut-offs.  Not only is this a durable concrete solution, but also one that can be customized to your exact needs.

Whether this park model home is your first home, your retirement home, or something in between, exterior treatments are very important.  Vinyl skirting may hold up for a few years, which may be fine if you are only planning to be in the house for a few years.  But if you and your family plan to make this house your home for a long period of time, DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting is the only route to take.  It is not only durable, but very attractive as well.  DuraSkirt comes in either Traditional Smooth or Northwest Aggregate, so you can have just the look you want for your home. 

The interior of your home is a great place to make wonderful memories.  Why should outside of your home be any different?  Create the perfect look of a concrete foundation under your park model home.  With DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting installed by Creative Concrete Products, LLC, you will love the look of the exterior of your home.  Whether you are creating gardens with your home as a backdrop, hiding Easter eggs for the kids, or entertaining friends outdoors, you will be proud of the way your home stands out among the rest.  There will be no more taking pictures in front of the house with vinyl skirting that has seen better days or may even be missing in places.  Once you have DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting installed on your park model home, you will never have to think about it again.  With the limited lifetime warranty from Creative Concrete Products, you can rest assured, as one customer put it, you can "DuraSkirt and Be done!"  You won't have to think about mobile home skirting again.  And, should you ever have the need, the same skirting can be put on garages, offices, outbuildings, mobile homes or manufactured homes so that every building on your property matches and ties together. 

tiny house skirting

Heating and cooling can be very expensive in any home.  Even though park model homes may be smaller than other homes, without the proper insulation and correct care, especially with the cost of energy these day, even these homes can be expensive to heat or cool.  DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting will help the home owner here as well.  While dead air space is eliminated due to the "Hidden Vent" system, it also builds a buffer.  This creates a barrier between the extremes of cold and hot, and the interior of your park model home.  Not only does this create a smaller carbon footprint, but it also saves the homeowner some of his or her hard-earned money. 

Overall, there are many reasons in Washington and Oregon to call Creative Concrete Products, LLC to get an estimate on DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting.  This small investment might be the best one you will make for cub appeal as well as increased value for your home.  This professionally installed concrete skirting comes with a lifetime limited warranty.  It is customizable to allow door access to your crawl space as well as to allow hand access for water shut-offs, sewer clean-outs, or electrical connections.  It can also save you money in heating and cooling costs.  With all of these benefits, it's difficult not to check out DuraSkirt Concrete Skirting today.  Your home in Washington or Oregon deserves the very best, and so do you.  Creative Concrete Products, LLC will put you and your dreams for your home first.  They will listen to your vision for your home, and they will help you achieve perfect results.

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