Some Ohio home care providers offer services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy and massage therapy. There will sometimes be nurses that can visit as long as they are prescribed by a physician. Other health care professionals are available as well. Medicare is the main provider of home health care. They will provide part-time or intermittent nursing care, medical social services, home health aides, and medical supplies as prescribed.
Choosing a Massage Therapist
When massage therapy is prescribed, there are wonderful things that come of hands on therapy for most people. The home care provider that you have chosen will have some massage therapists to choose from. The therapist will have specific skills related to your needs. You can look at their pictures and their skills and credentials and then pick the one you think will be the best fit for what your particular situation requires. Then he or she will be sent to meet you and find out what your needs are and what your expectations are for treatment.
Massage Treatments
Depending on whether you are home bound because of an injury or surgery or a chronic disease the massage treatment will be specifically designed for your unique case. If you have an injury and are working with a physical or occupational therapist the massage therapist will be able to address the muscles that are fatigued after a session with the other therapists. If you have been or still are lying down or in bed for much of the day and can’t really get around, the massage therapist can access the areas needing attention while you are lying or sitting or in whatever position you are most comfortable.
Frequency and Results of Massage
The doctor’s prescription for massage therapy will determine the frequency the massage therapist sees you. As you improve and recover from the injuries, surgery or chronic issues, the frequency will taper off until you won’t need massage any more but you will probably want to continue with it as it has made all the difference in the world. There are little tips the massage therapist can leave with you if you desire, about what you can do on your own to improve your health and make a speedier recovery. Sometimes just the one on one connection made with a massage therapist can greatly move you toward health and wellness and getting you back on your feet. Contact an Ohio homecare facility with any questions.
Finding a Quality Homecare Massage Therapist to Augment Your Homecare Experience
Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf
of Caring Matters Home care, 012 LLC