by Nick Sampurdanis of NICK ALL WEATHER ( 13-Apr-2012 )


In todays world the market is influenced by gas and oil prices.  As they sky rocket, everthing seems to follow.  I can't begin to tell you the things I've seen at jobs that I have successfully completed, and made another customer happy.  My work ethics and standards are very high, I strive to be the best, and I am, ask my customers.  Good service men are hard to find, which gives me the edge in very competitive market. When I get a new customer, they refer me to their extended family & friends. Because they like me and what I can do for them.  Referrals, are the majority of my business.  I charge a reasonable price, I do good work, and I'm fast.   People like good work and fair prices, and I'm there to give it to them. People can be in the HVAC, but they can't/don't do what I can do.  I can save my customer's money.


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