Internet Marketing Advertising The Smart Way - Online or Offline?

by Mike Luchen of Jersey Shore Rosary Necklace ( 29-Dec-2010 )

Westchester County New York (NY), has appeared on the list of the greatest destinations to visit for more years than most can remember. With such attractions as Times Square, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and Broadway, it is no surprise. However, this is just one very small part of what makes the Big Apple so appealing. It is all about the atmosphere.

Put simply, the city is alive in its very self; made by the people that live there but also by what previous residents have left behind. NY is not so much a city anymore, but a way of life. It is because of this that thousands of people flock to visit, work and live there. Whilst the city is clearly the jewel in the crown, state wide the opportunities for business development are vast.

This does make for an extremely competitive marketplace though, and as such it is important that businesses work increasingly hard to sell themselves. Much of this is done online nowadays of course, which is why internet marketing and content is so vital to success.

Search engine optimization therefore is key, particularly for businesses that do not already have a presence - off line or on line. In order to get to the top of results on pages from Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL and the like, web pages need to hold certain potent data and keywords that will both be recognized by search engine robots ad spiders, but also be readable and entertaining to the audience.

In essence, the whole concept of optimizing a website is simple; just select phrases and words that people frequently search for, and deliver them in your page. As with most seemingly easy things though, the reality is a little more complex. Add to that the need to embrace social networking ideals and blogging, and the whole thing becomes ever more complex.

Indeed, with the time taken to build these pages and, something often overlooked, to regularly change content and definition, valuable working hours can be taken away from the actual business in hand. Of course, it is possible to employ a team of highly skilled and dedicated copywriters to deliver pertinent copy, but here things get expensive.

Fortunately, there are a number of internet marketing companies which can help deliver the service. With professionals in their field, and with local knowledge of the area, they can deliver optimized content quickly, efficiently and far more cost effectively.

These specialized internet marketers have access to a great deal of information, tools and ideals that other business simply do not and, would not expect to have. Many will have worked for major corporations too. This alone can reap huge benefits for all those operating in the NY area. With such market saturation across the whole of NY, it is no wonder that individuals and companies working in this sector are highly sought after.

Naturally, there are fees to be associated to the internet market service and, depending on the demographics being targeted across NY, these will from level to level. However, even at the most premium of packages, which will likely include presence across multi social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter, video promotion and the like, the competitive pricing will easily outstrip any outgoings if not outsourced.

Before deciding which online marketer to use, it is always good to discuss your plans face to face or at least at length across email and phone. Further than this, it is also good to challenge them regards their experience, qualifications, knowledge and so forth. For example, an increasing number of SEO specialists are seeking membership with SEMPO, (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization), so looking for and asking about this will be a positive step.

As with any process in selecting a service provider, seeking recommendations from friends, colleagues and network contacts will be good. However, if working in a particularly competitive environment, (as NY generally is for any commercial enterprise), seeking out a hidden may be attractive.

Failing adequate recommendation for whatever reason, looking for and asking for testimonials and reviews is good. Caution is needed here however, as some companies may use "designed" testimonials. As such, looking for review sites, blogs and forums could be an excellent starting point.

Once an online marketer has been taken on board, developing an amicable relationship as quickly as possible will reap huge rewards. They will be able to develop a clear strategy, adhering to your company mission and beliefs, whilst also recognizing the message you want to deliver. Done correctly, there is no reason why NY could turn from the Big Apple to the huge oyster.

Written by Mike Luchen of Extreme Marketing and Consulting - To Skyrocket your business online

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