Mediums connect people with loved ones departed

by DEREK PRALL of ISD Sparta ( 31-Jan-2012 )

Spiritual Communication, from the NJ Herald 01-22-12

Mediums connect people with loved ones departed


At the Institute For Spiritual Development, in Sparta, a church and holistic center for metaphysical living, astrological, psychic and Tarot card readings go hand in hand with the more traditional prayers, songs and sermons on the path to spiritual well-being.



Soothing music played as individuals of varying ages and backgrounds trickled into what could have been any regular church service on a recent Friday night. Rows of chairs slowly began to fill facing a podium that was surrounded by flickering candles. Angel tapestries watched over the murmuring congregation while moonlight illuminated the sanctuary’s stained glass windows.

However, this was no ordinary service; the roughly 75 spiritual seekers gathered in Sparta’s Institute for Spiritual Development were there to commune with the dead.

Officiating over the service were four evidential mediums: Jill Patricia, the Rev. Barbara Toole, the Rev. Karen Rose  Slember, and special guest Dr. Rom Webber. In what was referred to as a “divine service of mediumship,” the four promised to call forth and communicate with the elusive spirits of the attendees’ deceased friends and family members. Some might find this implausible, but these types of activities are commonplace at the Institute for Spiritual Development, which describes itself as “a church and holistic center for metaphysical living.” The institute subscribes to no specific dogma, and instead encourages its members to seek their own truths, and in turn apply those truths to their lives. To the members of the institute, astrological, psychic and Tarot card  readings go hand in hand with the more traditional prayers, songs and sermons on the path to spiritual well-being.

The audience was first asked to invite the spirits of their loved ones into the space. As they did,  Patricia began moving about the room, attempting to connect with the spirits. She was able to hone in on the spirit of one man’s father, who encouraged him from the other side with support for his still living family. She then connected with the spirit of a mother who passed in sickness who wanted to let her daughter know she was glad that she had the support of her significant other, and that the picture collage the daughter had constructed after her death meant a lot to her. The spirit also wished to extend her love and support to her young nephew.

Toole followed, connecting quickly with the spirit of a recently passed mother, who was diabetic and had become quite cantankerous near the end of her physical life. She wanted to apologize for becoming that way, and express gratitude for the unconditional support her daughter had provided as her health deteriorated. Through Toole, she was able to thank her daughter for fixing  her hair for her when she had become too sick to do so, and wanted to let her daughter know  that her hair was now fabulous. Toole asked the audience member if the number six was significant in any way, and Orielan Harrington, of Denville, tearfully offered that her mother had
passed nearly six months earlier.

Webber went next, having a difficult time at first placing the persistent spirit of a young girl
who insisted on speaking with a reluctant audience member, but struck a chord with the congregation when she began communicating with a young male spirit whose life was cut short with stunning clarity and accuracy.

Slember ended the service first by connecting with the spirit of a mechanic, the father of an  audience member, who wanted to let his daughter know he watches her look at the photograph she keeps of him, and that it means a lot to him to be remembered so fondly. She then  communicated with the high school companion of a female audience member, who died of prolonged illness, recounting memories of sneaking cigarettes and tanning in Atlantic
City with her.

“We raise our vibrations, and the spirit world lowers theirs in order to communicate,” Patricia
explained in the question-andanswer session that followed the service. She went on to speak on the personal nature of mediumship, stating that different mediums work in different ways, but it’s all about maximizing one’s sensory perceptions. Mediumship is a gift, she  claimed; however, all mediums must work to hone their skills.

Webber went on to explain what it is like when talking with a spirit. She claimed to be able to hear them, visualize their memories like photographs, and at times even see their spiritual form as if it were corporeal.

Harrington, the woman who was put into contact with her recently deceased mother through Toole, stated that this type of spiritual communication does not make her uncomfortable, that it instead gives her “a sense of comfort and peace.” She sees it as a way to work through her mixed feelings and grief over her mother’s passing and finds it to be a way to resolve issues with her that she was unable to conclude while her mother was living.

Skepticism about mediumship is understandable. In fact, the institute encourages skepticism as part of one’s journey to find individual ultimate truth. Though some think mediumistic activities to be nothing more than parlor tricks, it is difficult to deny the comfort and closure it brings to those who believe.

For more information on the Institutue for Spiritual Development and the programs it offers, visit its website at or call 973-729-8261






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