Preventing Summer and Fall Pests in Richmond

by Sal Nigrelli for Pest Solutions of Schulz Chiropractic Center ( 25-Jan-2013 )


The warmth of summer offers perfect conditions for many pests to thrive in the Richmond climate. Common summer pests include mosquitos, fleas, moths, ticks, fleas, wasps, crickets hornets, earwigs, yellow jackets and snakes.

Prepare for Summer Pests

-Repair holes in window and door screens.
-Eliminate outdoor standing water and refresh bird baths weekly.
-Fix leaks around sinks, tubs, showers, tiles, pipes and roofs.
-Clean out gutters and be sure that rain spouts direct away from the home’s foundation.
-Store clothing made of natural fibers in plastic bags or storage bins.
-Check pets and their beds for fleas and ticks.  Wash if necessary.

When fall arrives, the temperatures in the Richmond area start to drop and pests that can’t tolerate cold start looking for shelter.  Common Fall pests include stink bugs, spiders, mice, and rats.

Tips to prepare for fall pests include:

-Clear out clutter in the garage, basement, attic and other storage areas to eliminate hiding places.
-Inspect your home for entry points.  Seal all cracks, crevices and gaps where utilities enter the house with sturdy metal screen. 
-Repair broken windows, damaged sills and siding and foundation cracks.  
-Trim shrubs and bushes off the ground and away from the home foundation.
-Elevate and stack firewood away from the house.
-Cover trash cans with snug, metal lids.
-Store pet food, lawn seed and bulbs in metal or glass containers with lids.
-Pick up fallen fruit from around fruit trees.

These simple tips will help prevent many pest problems that are common in Richmond. 

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