Self Motivation for Teenagers

by Roxi of JustNays Hair Studio of JustNays Hair Studio ( 13-Apr-2012 )

 Have you had depressing thoughts and always feel drain with no energy? well your not alone and there is nothing seriously wrong that you can't fix for yourself.  Take a step back and look at who you are; I want you to take a sheet of paper and write down 3 task that you will do in a week; not sure what you should write, ok let's do this project together. 1. Ensure your face and hair is at its best before leaving your bedroom, 2. Try mixing up what you would normally wear with something that you don't wear. 3. Speak with a smile to everyone you come in contact with.. Now doing this you have just made a step to change within feeling better with yourself. "Whats that? still feel drained" ok thought you would, take a quick peep over your shoulder, left and right who is standing there, we all have that one friend, social person, homie, associate or whoever you want to call it, well here is the answer / solution to your problem. If you surround yourself with some who is always miserable, downing others to self build themselves or negative at all times? yep this is the big reason your battery is low, believe it or not your energy becomes one with whomever you may surround yourself with. So young ladies go back to my 3 step task and add number 4, (carefully remove yourself from negativity) because no matter how you dress the situation he/she will find something wrong with what your doing or what you may want to try. Well ladies, I hope that I helped someone understand why they feel the way they do, please believe me once you have removed yourself you will begin to feel extra energy and excitment again.  check out my website if you need extentions, lashes, or whatever; thanks for reading God Bless!

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