The Creation of Buffalo Valley Cardworks

by Kathleen McKenney of Buffalo Valley Cardworks ( 4-Sep-2013 )

Wayne and I are the owners and proprietors of Buffalo Valley Cardworks.  Since the mid 1980s, Wayne has drawn several Christmas cards for family and friends. Many of those recipients have commented on how they keep all of our cards that we have sent over the years. They strongly urge us to promote Wayne's creativity and talent through marketing his cards publicly.  Over the months of 2013, I have gathered the photography and artwork for Wayne's Christmas cards and others' photography and artwork. With the creation of the cards, I was then able to create a sales website and marketing plan to provide public access to his cards through our website, Wayne and I have worked together on many creative projects over the years, but never have we taken the step to offer our creativity as a product in this manner to the public.  I have a great deal of business background providing me with ample knowledge to provide a solid, professional product and courteous customer service.

In addition, to creating a diverse collection of artistic and photo cards, we have focused on our love and memories for Maine and Wyoming. Through the cards, Wayne and I together wish to share our vast adventures and experiences in both regions. We hope that our customers can imagine the story behind the log arch and old buck and rail fence in the Gros Ventre. Or visualize what a ride on a horse in the wide open space of Wyoming must be like.  What about a walk along the Atlantic Ocean's shore in Maine feeling the beach sand between one's toes. When one sees the beach rose card photo, does one imagine the roses' scent that fills the warm summer air?

Our cards are not merely a picture or an image - they are an experience and a gift!  Visit our site, email us or call us to discuss our products.  We look forward to hearing from many!!

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Buffalo Valley Cardworks

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