The Savory Sausage Meat Co.

by James R. Hornbuckle of The Savory Sausage Meat Co. ( 13-Apr-2012 )

The Savory Sausage Meat Co. began in 2006 whith a determination to provide qaulity gourmet meat snacks and a persute to produce "The Better Beef Stick". Our company started in the Southeast Missouri region by establishing sales routes, where our sales staff would visit local business on a regular basis, to offer our products to the employees.  After several years of ever-expanding business, we have now developed a web-site where the whole world can now enjoy our specialty meat selections. Not only do we have our popular varieties of Snack Sticks and Summer Sausages, now we have expanded into very unique Hot Sauces and Savory Sauces.  We invite all our friends, old and new, to give us a try.  Visit to check out, or purchase, all of our products.  We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have at

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The Savory Sausage Meat Co.

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