I am the owner of Baby Face Towing and Taxi Services LLC in Cottage Grove, Oregon. We are a family owned and operated company. We don't do impounds because we dont believe in taking peoples cars away from them. When tow companies impound a rich persons car the person simply goes down to the tow yard and pays the fees to get it out. But, in most cases, the rich person does not get their car impounded in the first place because they don't face the same difficulties as a single mom working two jobs, just trying to support her kids. Should she buy some school clothes for the kids this month or make that car insurance payment on time? Yes, driving without insurance is illegal and we don't condone that. And you may criticize a mom that would drive without insurance and say she should have her car impounded. REALLY? What if it was choice between insurance and rent on the house the kids sleep in? You ever try to juggle two kids and two jobs on the public transit system? My point is impounding cars tends to pick on the poor. That is why Baby Face Towing offers a hardship program for low income clients. If your car breaks down and you leave it on the side of the road, law enforcement will have it towed away within 72 hours, sometimes sooner, depending on where it is parked. If you have no money and your car is in danger of being impounded in this manner, call us and we will pick it up, take it to our yard and store it for free. When you come to pick it up, all you owe is the original tow bill and we are the lowest priced towing company in the country. I challenge you to find any other tow company in this country that offers the same deal. WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN PREDATORY TOWING PRACTICES!!! We are all about kids here and helping underpriviliged families. But today we need your help. My 5 year old daughter got hurt in the tow yard and ended up with a big scar on her face. We lost all our trucks after the accident. And now we are in danger of losing our family home. We are having a fundraiser at www.babyfacetowing.com to raise the down payment for our new truck that we are preapproved for. Please help us so that we may continue to help others. The kids are making thank you cards and you can buy one at the above website. Thank you Roger Haugen and the kids.