Two Voices

by Richard Weirich of Richard Weirich Voice Talent ( 31-Aug-2009 )
Got talent?  Have a dream to do something with it?  Are you driven to succeed?  Then you probably are well acquainted with the two voices.  The one voice says “you’ve got what it takes” and the other shouts “no you don’t.”  So which one do you listen to? Now, the obvious answer is to listen to the positive voice.  In reality we often give far too much credence to the negative.  But why? As you go through your day you may get numerous compliments.  On that same day you may have had just one complaint.  Which do you remember?  Which sticks with you longer and really has an effect on your attitude?  In most cases it’s the complaint, the negative. What kind of gossip peaks your interest?   Good or bad?  Actually, we’re attracted to scandals and misfortune more than positive accomplishments and victories.  By in large, it seems that most of us actually enjoy watching others fail.  The more sensational the better. Possibly the reason we’re so enamored with failure in others is because we’re happy to see that we’re not the only ones wrestling with negative circumstances and people.  That negative voice has been hard at work since we came into the world telling us we can’t, we won’t, and we’re foolish to try. How do you tune out the negative voice and only give heed to the positive?  For one thing, you have to learn to quickly identify which voice is speaking.  And then you have to make a choice.  You must choose to reject the negative and accept the positive.  To make it in any area that requires talent and hard work you’re going to have to learn, not only to be your best critic, but also your greatest encourager.  You’ll find very few people in life who are really unselfishly pulling for you.  Cheer for yourself.  Encourage yourself.  Believe in yourself.

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