What is Prescription Assistance and Why Your Parents May Need It

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Seniors 3 Seniors Kansas City ( 11-Dec-2012 )

The Prescription Dilemma for Seniors
Many seniors end up on a fixed income as they reach into their seventies and beyond. At this point they are generally not employable because of their physical limitations. They are unable to work for extra income and so they reach a point of when they are on a fixed income. However, the emergencies of life continue on and life can become difficult for them. Most seniors have at least several prescriptions that they are reliant on to live a healthy lifestyle. However, when those emergencies of life come up they often cannot afford to handle that emergency along with their prescriptions so they forego the prescriptions. This is the exact reason for Kansas City prescription assistance style programs. These are designed to help make sure the prescriptions are filled for those seniors in order to make sure they continue to live a healthy life for as long as they can.

The Pride Factor
While the assistance programs are perfect to help seniors pay for prescriptions they cannot afford in any given month, many will still forego the prescriptions because they are too proud to ask for help when they need it. It is this pride that can get in the way. However, it is understandable because they have often been independent for their entire lives and now, at this stage in life, finding themselves short money they find it difficult to ask for help. This is where their children need to step in and work with their parents to get this kind of help when they need it.

The Process of Getting Assistance
The process of getting the help on the prescriptions is not terrible. Essentially, it is a matter of first finding a Kansas City prescription assistance program and contacting them. They will walk you through their specific process and help you to get the help that you need to make sure the prescriptions are coming as they should. Of course, they will all do their best to keep information confidential, only using that information to get the prescriptions to you. They understand how hard it is to ask for help in the first place and they want to make sure that their assistance is kept quiet to help you maintain your dignity. In most cases, they will continue to help as needed. Some of the programs are even run by seniors who truly understand how hard it can be to live on a fixed income month after month and year after year when that income barley makes ends meet.

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