Why Planning for Retirement Requires an IRA Advisor

by Art Gib, freelance writer on behalf of Renfro Financial Planning ( 16-Jun-2011 )

Retirement is something that the majority of the population is thinking about in some form. With the Baby Boomer generation cashing out their IRA accounts there are people that have planned for the day when they can stop working and are preparing to live on the money that they put away while they were gainfully employed. Contacting their financial advisor about how to set up their Roth IRA distributions, many retirees that have been contributing to their non deductible IRA for years now have no idea how to go from saving and investing to living off the money that have prepared for their retirement.

By speaking to their IRA advisor and learning about dealing with the taxes and how to access the money in their accounts, people that are building equity in their IRA can gather the answers they need to make the transition for being actively contributing to their IRA to managing their Roth IRA distributions. As a number of Baby Boomers are retiring and leaving the work force there are other people that are just beginning their career and who are looking for ways to save money and invest in their future by sitting down with a financial advisor and planning for what they want to have when they reach the age of retirement.

Being able to make a solid plan of saving for the future and having a goal in mind of what it will take to meet that financial target, an IRA advisor can help to show younger people what kind of savings and investment strategy they will need in order to reach their goals, by the time they plan on retiring. With the resources of non deductible IRA investments that allow for the taxes to be offset as money from a paycheck is deposited into the account before it is taxed, people that are saving for years down the road can avoid the sting of their tax bracket today and only pay taxes on what they end up drawing from their account in the future. Making it advantageous to start setting aside a portion of their paycheck for retirement the IRA advisor is able to predict the number of years and the amount of each contribution that will need to be made toward the IRA each month so that once the individual reaches the age that they want to retire, they can being to draw from the Roth IRA distributions that will allow them to continue living comfortably. By meeting with their IRA advisor the people that are wise with their money can develop a strategy of saving and investing that can lead them to a very happy retirement in the future.

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