Why Popular Fiction Books Are Better than Movies

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of The Mind Shadows Trilogo ( 15-Jan-2013 )

Books have been around for as long as written language, and have been a great source of sharing information. It has only been in the past century that video was invented and, for some people, this new technology has replaced reading. This is sad because everyone knows that the movies are never as good as the books, and today’s popular movies are now almost always from books. Fortunately a movie will never replace a popular fiction book or any other type of book because of the differences.

Why Don’t Movies Compare?

Movies are great when you don’t want to put any effort into your entertainment. They give you the scenery, set the tone, and show you exactly what the characters look like. You can just sit there and be entertained. Books are very different. You get a description of everything, but it is still up to you to put it all together in your head and form mental pictures of what everything looks like. When you read a book, you have an expectation for what a certain character looks like, how they sound, and what their personality is. When the book comes out in movie, they never meet your expectation, and more often than not, it’s disappointing because it is how the producer of the movie visualized everything, and not you. Movies are also not long enough to allow them to contain everything in the book, but if they do make it long enough to fit everything, it makes it extremely difficult to watch because it is so long. A book is nice because you can simply put your book mark in it and pick up where you left off, and you can take the book with you wherever you are going.

Many Different Ways to Read a Book

Twenty years ago, the only way to read a book was with an actual physical book with paper pages. Nowadays, there are many different forms of books. There are still the physical books, but e-books have been becoming increasingly popular as they can be more compact. If you use a kindle, you can put all of your popular fiction novels or other types of books onto one small device. You can also read these books are just about any other type of smart device: be it a tablet, phone or iPod. Modern technology has made it so easy to read books. Let’s make sure we keep the industry alive, and don’t shift all of our focus onto movies. They have their benefits, but they can never replace a good old fashioned novel.

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