Picking an after school daycare program for your children can be tough. Depending on your area, you may have more than enough choices to pick from or you may have slim to none that you think will be acceptable. This article will help inform you of the three "e's" that everyone should consider when choosing an after school daycare program.
One of the first things I would look at when considering an afterschool program is whether the owners and managers who will be supervising children have degrees in child related studies. I want to feel comfortable that I am leaving my children with people who are knowledgeable and competent. Working toward and finally receiving a degree takes a lot of hard work and responsibility which will be important to supervising a daycare program. Also, there are many important skills I would want my child's caregiver to know including first aid and CPR. If ever an accident occurs, I want my child to be in good hands.
Each after school daycare program will have its own rules, standards, and costs. Find out what all of the fees will be that may be associated with your children attending the program. Is the cost of snacks included with your children's tuition? When is the tuition due? Are there late fees or penalty fees of any kind? Even if you plan on having the costs covered, it is a good idea to compare all fees and costs so there are no surprises down the road. This will also give you an idea of what is common rate and which daycare businesses are charging too much.
Make sure the program you choose offers the right activities that match your children's hobbies. If you children enjoy sports, make sure the daycare program has access to a gym, court, or field on its campus so your children will be able to enjoy playing games. Perhaps your children could learn a new activity in the program by taking a class in taekwondo or art. Many social skills can be learned at a daycare while children are working with one another. See that your daycare offers programs that include team building activities.
There are many great after school daycare programs and choosing the best one can be difficult. However, by keeping in mind these three e's you will be sure to find a day care that will make you and your children very happy.