Breeding Stables provide Equine Foaling to Western Ranchers

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Silver Dreams Farm ( 18-May-2012 )

There are a number of states that continue to rely on horses as pack animals and which can be used as quarter horses to herd cattle. The spirit of the west is still very much alive in Utah, Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico and Montana. Where the Midwest and Texas also have opportunities for ranchers to use horses in a roundup there is a need for many owners to board their mares and foals in a facility that can provide the proper attention that the animals need. Because they are counted on for working on a ranch a number of horse owners use breeding stables to sire a colt that can grow to be a useful part of the ranching or cattle.

Cowboys still exist in the West and New Mexico equine foaling provides the best breeding environment for mares that are carrying a foal. Out away from the cities the farming communities provide a clean open air environment where cattle is herded and watched over by men and women that can head off a stray and bring a herd to the pastures where they eat. Because each horse is prized for its ability to work and contribute to the ranch every foal that is born to an owner is special. Though trained once they are returned to the ranch the infant care of a foal and mare require a stable where the horses are given exercise and plenty of feed.

Each spring as nature replenishes the population of horses and cattle a number of ranchers head down to New Mexico to give their animals the constant care that they cannot provide as they are working with cattle and horses on their property. By providing the owners of a mare and expected foal care that cannot be provided at home ranch owners are able to see to their land and animals and know that after a few months they can pick up the foal and mare that will be returning to the land. Making provisions for their breeding stables the people that care for animals that are able to offer animal husbandry to the mares that are in their watch.

Delivering the foal and if requested the mare to the original owner once they have begun to mature a breeder is able to manage the raising animals that are being sent to them for them special attention is needed to keep a pregnant mare healthy. Trained as quarter horses that have quick reflexes and are an asset in cutting off the path of a stay cow the horses that are found on ranches throughout the west and Midwest continue the tradition of the cowboys that are employed on cattle ranches all across the southwest and mountain states.

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