Finding Towhomes in Huntington WV

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of The Sentiment ( 11-Dec-2012 )

Buying a home is no small feat for the amateur. There are so many aspects of buying a home that people simply forget about. What City, neighborhood, HOA, school, property taxes, house, condo, townhouse just to name a few. With all these elements you need to be educated on what you should be looking for in your dream home. If this is your first home, you may want to get pre-qualified before you take any other steps.

Getting Pre-qualified
Why is it so important to be prequalifed before you dream up your perfect house? If you don’t qualify for that dream house you are wasting time and crushing your dreams. Getting qualified helps you understand how much you can afford. You can start this process with your local banking institution or with any mortgage lender. Generally they will ask for payment stubs, tax returns, and your credit report. After this long, and some times arduous process they will let you know how much home you can buy. Before you sit down with a lender make sure that you have a good credit score. If your credit score isn’t in the 700’s, you may want to find out what caused it to drop. Save yourself some time and improve your score before you meet with the bank.

Choosing The Right Home
Because you are choosing where you are going to live for the next five years or more you want to make sure you really like the house. Moving isn’t easy, and you don’t want to move out sooner because you failed to plan on a big enough house for your family. Whether you have a family or not isn’t the point, make sure that you have a home that will suite your individual needs. Remember there are condos, townhomes in Huntington WV, twin homes, and single family homes. Condos typically are the cheapest, while single family homes are generally the most expensive. Condos and town homes almost always belong to an home owners association that takes care of the property. If you are a low maintenance person this options would work very well for you.

Benefits of A TownHome
The dream of a home has been around since the beginning of time. The question really is, What is a home? A home is any thing that you can feel comfortable living if for an extended amount of time. When you think of home that doesn’ t mean you have to have a house. Most people are choosing town homes these days because you get the feeling of a home without the dreadful cost. Town-homes provide that urban feel without the inner city problems. These housing units provide space, luxury living, garage parking, and shared community amenities.

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