Healing through addiction recovery e-book

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of King David Haynes ( 10-Dec-2012 )

Acknowledging the Problem of Addiction
You may be an addict or you may know someone that is, the bottom line is addiction cripples individuals and families. This disease sucks the life out of its host and leaves nothing but compulsive desires for more. With the aching appetite always craving for the next fix, its no wonder that addicts only change their behavior once the pain of the problem, is greater than the pain of the solution. Addicts only change, or begin to change, once they determine it’s easier to fight the addiction than looming death or prison time. Sometimes addicts need outside perspective on the problems they face. Often they don’t realize that they have a problem at all. The addiction recovery e-book can provide faith, hope, and strength, to conquer addictions and renew the inner self.

The Cycle of Recovery
The life of an addict is similar to the classic roller coaster ride with ups and downs repeating themselves throughout the entire ride. They may feel sky high at times, and so low at other times that they think they may have hit rock bottom. Once they hit rock bottom they solemnly swear they will change their life for the better. Although addicts are sincere, these problems don’t go away after an internal pep talk with one’s self, after a moment of crisis. Many think they can turn to self-help books that motivate and inspire people to become their best selves. Although these intentions are all good, addicts need more than hype and placebo to recovery from this serious illness.

Strength from Family and Professionals
Addicts need support people as they journey this arduous path to sobriety. Loved ones and professionals can give insightful feedback on noticeable improvements and landmarks in sobriety. Addicts tend to lie to themselves constantly as they tell themselves “I don’t have a problem. Its not really all that bad.” It generally takes a divorce, jail time, or pleading loved ones, to motivate an addict to see the problem, and begin the road to recovery. This road is very difficult, and they need cheerleaders along the way. Addicts tend to get depressed easily and see no light at the end of the tunnel. Loved ones and professionals can analyze the situation more objectively.

The addiction Recover Compass
Many of us will use a compass when we are out in the wilderness to guide us where we need to go. Today’s compasses are GPS systems that can track where you are on the globe and connect you from point A to point B. The addiction recovery e-book functions in the same manner. Addicts need to know where point A is, and how to get to point B. The old saying goes “If you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there.” This e-book provides insight on how other addicts conquered their addictions, and how you can conquer yours. Many addicts find strength and grace through higher power, which any good e-book will talk about.

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