How small Lifestyle changes affect the Environment

by Art Gib, freelance writer on behalf of Green Inspiriation Store ( 2-Sep-2011 )

The environment is a fragile structure that requires the attention of every person to maintain the delicate balance that exists between nature and humanity. With a concern for reducing their carbon footprint, there are some people that are incorporating an organic approach to life. Buying their kids organic clothing and shopping for fruits, vegetables and foods that support the natural growth, harvesting and manufacture of their consumable items there are individuals that are very serious about going what they can to improve their relationship with the environment. With the pollution that is produced by the emissions of vehicles and businesses that are filling the cities, there are concerns for the ozone and wildlife that are sustained by the nature. Carrying their concerns about the use of fossil fuels into the home and professional life, a few people are investing in the renewable energy that available through solar or wind power.

Using something as simple as solar laptop chargers to rebuild the life of their computer battery, the small differences that are being made by thousands of people are helping to restore the balance that exists between industrialization and the natural world. Installing LED lighbulbs instead of counting on florescent or incandescent bulbs to produce light in their home or office, individuals that are doing their part to preserve the environment are making a difference to the world.

If everyone would follow the examples that can shift the pollution levels and improve the air quality in cities across the nation, there would be less disease and contention in the world. Starting by driving in a car pool and expanding their personal efforts to include the use of a solar charger instead of the electricity that is produced by burning coal or another fossil fuel, the strains on the utility company would be relieved and the environment could benefit from the reduction of chemicals that are being pumped into the air. Additionally the purchase of more organically produced products can greatly influence the pollution of the ozone. Aside from the produce and foods that are grown and produced without the use of chemicals and sprays, people can buy a number of other products that are made from natural fibers. Purchasing kids' organic clothing or their own adult apparel that is made from natural fibers can lead to shift in the textile industry and result in factories producing fewer emissions in the manufacture of their clothing lines. If everyone would recycle and invest in the use of a small amount of solar energy the world would be able to heal itself and return to a balanced state of wellness.

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