Online food ordering with the Quality Local App Builder!
One of the more powerful features that the Quality Local App Builder offers is online food ordering. Small quick serve and family owned restaurants often are priced out of the more robust online food ordering systems, in fact until recently robust, easy to manage online ordering food systems were the domain of the big corporate franchises. While the big franchises enjoyed a continuing increase in business from online orders the "little guys" were left out.
Here is the good news. Just as more and more people are adopting a service on demand mentality and smart phones and mobile tablets are overtaking PC's as the tools of choice for accessing the internet and searching for local business technology is also adapting. For the first time the small mom and pops can offer online ordering directly through their mobile app and mobile website. At a fraction of the cost of traditional systems.
A survey of more than 5,000 users of a leading online food ordering service shows that 88% buy lunch at least once a week and a quarter buy lunch every day. A restaurant that can deliver timely incentives and targeted messages to this market will thrive in any economy. Couple that with the added resource and convenience of ordering immediately you have an incredible marketing tool.
That is just what a restaurant app can provide. One click calling, GPS mapping and coupons, Loyalty programs, social marketing through share features and now mobile food ordering!
The Quality Local App Builder makes it easy to add menu items, prices, and more! Offer online food ordering right through your mobile app!