When buying a mobile home

by Bethany Summerfield of Summerfield Mobile Home Services ( 12-Apr-2012 )

When buying a mobile home from a dealer,its best to use a secondary mobile home set-up company. The dealer is more or less charging you way too much for the transport and set-up. An example if it only costs $4000 to transport and set-up your mobile home (thats materials, labor, and other expenses), they are probably charging you twice that amount to do it. Most dealers are using a mobile home contractor separate from their company. Alot of times they subcontract that part of their business. What I would do is find out what all are charging you for on paper and find out how much they are charging you for the transport and set-up then find what the secondary companies are charging . Go with your gut. And of course they will at first tel you they can''t do it but we all know there are ways of doing it. They're paying them anyways what would it hurt to pay a different company.(thats if you are going thru a bank if your paying just pay for the house make your own choice who sets it up) This is my own opinion and my own advice. Thanks.

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