Acupuncture in Moab ,UT

by Flora Najafi, LAc of Moab Acupuncture Clinic LLc ( 13-May-2014 )

 Acupuncture Clinic in Moab

The first of its kind in the Four Corners area, Moab Acupuncture Clinic , provids a specialized form of alternative healing known as Classical Five Element Acupuncture. Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing modalities known to humankind. It originated in China over five thousand years ago. The benefits of Acupuncture are ancient and legendary. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s ability to treat over 200 clinical disorders including: acute or chronic conditions along with disorders such as: respiratory, urogenital, Gastrointestinal, circulatory, allergies, migraines, neuralgia, back and joint pain, IBS, insomnia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, skin conditions, menstrual problems (including PMS), infertility, carpal tunnel syndrome, Sciatica, in addition to a variety of chemical sensitivities and other difficult to treat conditions. Sociological issues and stress related disorders such as overeating, anxiety, stress, addictions, anger, grief, depression and non-specific symptoms.

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