What is Classical Five Element Acupuncture?
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is one of the safest, most comprehensive andfar-reaching systems of healing in the world. This system of acupuncture asserts that every human being is born with or develops an imbalance in the natural functioning of one of the five elements (fire, metal, water, earth, wood), early in life. This imbalance becomes the root cause of illness at all levels. Each of the elements corresponds to: Seasons, climates and specific organs or functions (Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Spleen, Liver, etc). “When an element is imbalanced, so must the organs and functions residing within it become imbalanced”. Within a space of time, this primary imbalance will spread disharmony throughout the system and affect all other elements, as well as their corresponding organs and functions. Therefore, Classical Five-Element Acupuncture considers that any symptom can be the result of imbalance originating in any element, as they all are invariably connected and affected. Classical 5 Element Acupuncture is also used as a preventative medicine or in conjunction with other health modalities to strengthen the immune system and ease daily stress.
Classical Five Element Acupuncture in Moab, UT
Flora Najafi, LAc
of Moab Acupuncture Clinic LLc