AEDS In Schools

by Tony Myers of Hot Box LLC ( 15-Apr-2013 )

     If you have been to visit your childrens school or a sporting event you may have noticed that AEDS are becoming more and more visible. the reason for this is that SCA or sudden cardiac arrest does not discriminate because of age, there have been many headlines in papers across the country where a student athlete went unresponsive because of a unknown heart condition and was saved by standers by with an AED otherwise Known as an automated external defibrillator.

     What happens is the heart does not have a normal heart rythm and it basically jiggles like a bwl of jello uncontrolably because it is not receiving normal electrical impulses to make it beat properly. The AED machine sends a shock across the heart to get the rythm back to normal, that is why cpr alone will not save someones life an aed is an essential part of chain of survival.

     AEDS or portable defibrillators are very inexspensive when your comparing it to the cost of a human life and there are several models and makers on the market, it is up to you what aed package suites your needs the best. Hot Box LLC has a wide variety of aed machine and portable defibrillator packages to suite any need at the best prices.

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