Zoll AED Plus Defibrillator

by Tony Myers of Hot Box LLC ( 2-Apr-2013 )

     There are many aeds out on the market for lay responder use and each aed has something that makes it stand out from its competitors just a little. Take the Zoll AED Plus for instance, it is the only aed on the market that gives real time cpr guidance and by that I mean it has a specially designed set of pads called CPR D Padz that are hooked together so your pads placment is perfect and it senses as you do compressions if your rate is too fast or too slow. The Zoll aed plus also tells you if the depth of your compressions is too deep or too shallow. This may not seem like it is a big deal but it really is, performing correct cpr and delivering a shock with an aed could make the difference bwtween life and death!

     The Zoll AED Plus is a great aed for schools, Churches, First responders, and also a Great aed for Businesses. With low cost of ownership and ease of use the Zoll AED Plus is one of the best aeds on the market. Hot Box LLC has one of the greatest selections of AEDS with packages that have exactly what you need to be prepared for a sudden cardiac arrest emergency they can be found at www.hotbox-heatillnesskit.com.

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